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Your Grip And Power Potential

One of the most effective ways to generate power in the golf swing is to use your wrists as levers. You will often hear us coaches refer to the term 'release' referring to the way in which the club should work through the ball. By 'release' we are talking about the angle in the wrists that is initially set half way through the backswing and then maintained until just before impact. As you release this angle at impact you will create an injection of speed at the perfect moment that delivers the sort of effortless power we are all in search of.

Relevance Of Grip 

Of course, this all relates back to the way in which you grip the club. If you have a strong or a weak grip you'll be giving away important power through impact with an ineffective release.

If you feel that you need help with your grip or with any other part of your technique for that matter, don't hesitate to drop into see your local Foremost Golf professional

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